Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hello and Happy Feast of St. Michael and All Angels

Hi guys,
   I've been meandering into the world of blogging in slow-motion and thought I might update the Eastern Collective while I was at it!  I hope all is well.  Our semester just got rolling a month or so ago here in the bridge.  Because that's where the name "Ambridge" originated you know--the American Bridge company.  Oh dear.  Anyway!  My semester's started off smashingly even though it is already distressingly cold.  The Osborns and I and our other roommate Laura Fay have jump-started our intentional community project, Experiment House, in both its residential and non-residential aspects.  We had a house blessing a few weeks ago that began with the house blessing from the Anglican book of Occasional Services and came to glorious crescendo in at least three hours worth of Rock Band.  Our other roomie Laura is a non-nerd friendly to nerds and Rock Band is something she agrees is an awesome way to spend our fun together time.  We also got the non-residential aspect of the community going with a community dinner last Friday that ended with Compline and spontaneous 4-part harmony renditions of "The Strife is O'er, the Battle Won", the "Compline", and "Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning" (it was freakishly cool--no preparation, no coordination.  It just happened).  Some things don't change too much, now do they?
    In other news, I am working with Pittsburgh Region International Students Ministries for my Mentored Ministry program and have been meeting with visiting scholars, graduate students, and post-docs from primarily China, India, and Japan.  There is something to being a nerd that transcends many cultural boundaries.  I'm also working on my thesis still, and in a fit of spontaneity, TA-ing homiletics this semester which is turning out to be rather fun.  Preaching is such an interesting art!  Helping other people learn out to preach is even more interesting!
   Turns out my spot in the preaching rotation at Trinity's chapel just happened to be for the Feast of St. Michael and All-Angels (which was this past Thursday) and I preached my first ever sermon on angels.  It so turns out that it is only the second sermon on angels I've ever "heard", the first being one that I read by Lancelot Andrewes . .. which was preached Christmas Day 1605 . . . would looove to have a TARDIS to go back and hear that one in person.  Sigh.  Anyway, I've been excited about the Feast ever since, so happy Feast of St. Michael's--just in case you missed it!
   Anyway, I'm sure plenty of you have exciting things coming up--I'd love to hear about them if you do.
Peace and long-life,