Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Post of the Decade :)

Hello friends,

So last night I had a dream that all of you staged a surprise road trip to Nebraska and we all went to see all the sights and had a wonderful time, and I cried because I was so happy to see you! When I woke up this morning I realized I really miss you guys a lot, and I do a truly terrible job of staying in touch! So for the sake of saying "hi," staying in touch, and keeping this blog going, I was wondering if we could all answer a few questions - just something simple to spur interaction and keep us connected. I'll start.

1. What are a few significant events or milestones that have happened in your life since the last time we talked?
Job-wise, I am currently working at a portrait studio in Lincoln, it's a pretty fun job. I take pictures of kids and families and design portrait packages for them. The only thing I don't like about this job is that there are constant reminders from the district manager to raise our sales average, raise, raise, raise. It takes away from the creative appeal of the job and makes me feel like a corporate slave. But as we're not paid on commission... I get by :) I also recently interviewed for a community health educator position with the Nebraska DHHS Office of Minority Health. It'd be awesome! Part time and temporary, but a foot in the door and good experience. I'm hoping to hear back about that one soon.
There have been a few deaths in my family recently, my great-uncle and my grandpa both passed away over the holidays, that was a lot to deal with. I was with my grandpa when he died, and it was the first time that I've been with someone as they died. My whole family was there, and I think he knew he was surrounded by people who loved him. It was a difficult experience, but not scary or traumatizing like I thought it might be.

2. If you could describe your life right now as an ice cream flavor, what would it be and why?
Java Chip, which probably isn't too surprising :) I wouldn't say I'm dependent on coffee, but it does enhance my day - it takes a lot of energy and enthusiasm to get small children to look at a camera and smile at the same time, especially when there are several of them, and especially when it's usually their nap time/they're hungry/ they're not getting along today/ they want grandma/ they don't like their shoes/ mom's been bribing them with candy all day/ ... you get the picture :)

3. Read any good books lately?
Right now I'm working on a historical novel called Pieternella, Daughter of Eva. It's about the daughter of the first Khoikhoi/Dutch woman in Cape Town, South Africa. I'm about 100 pages into the book, but very few things have actually happened so far because Pieternella's flashbacks are a major part of the story. Also, I don't have as much time to read as I used to, so the going seems really slow. I do have some reading goals, however, and I'm hoping to stick to them! Next on the list is Les Miserables :)

4. What is the most stressful thing in your life right now, and how are you dealing with it?
I'd have to say that still living with my parents is the most stressful thing about my life! Like I said, I love my job, but it doesn't pay that much and it's part time, definitely not enough money to pay bills, loans, and support myself. So until I get another job, I'm still at 1012 High Plains Road. It's especially tough after living away from home for 6 years and being used to doing my own thing without having to 'check in' with anyone or have to explain my schedule/actions/choices, etc. I am really grateful to be able to live there, it's just a little too much drama for me sometimes. I suppose I'm dealing with it by working as much as I can and spending as much time as I can out of the house with friends. It feels claustrophobic when it's just me and my parents in the house. I'd like to be able to say we all get along just fine, but really they're ready for me to be out of the house and I'm ready to be on my own again and to have my own space. Ok, enough complaining! Next question :)

5. Any recent noteworthy culinary adventures?
Yesterday I made breakfast crepes with scrambled eggs and spinach seasoned with sage. Yum :) A few lucky crepes were blessed with Nutella as well - always a good idea. Creating recipes that combine my and Brandon's tastes has been an ongoing adventure. He's a meat-eater and I'm a veggie-lover, so much of the time we just end up doing our own thing, which is just fine. Sometimes though, I try to put together 'culinary compromises,' such as making pizza with his & hers sides or using turkey for meat-based foods rather than beef. I haven't worked tofu into anything for him yet, but we'll see :)

6. What was the happiest moment of the past week?
Brandon and I went country dancing on Sunday night and that was a lot of fun :) He's not a big fan of country music, so when he does something like that I know it's only out of love ;) The beauty of compromise is something I've really been able to appreciate more and more with Brandon. We don't feel like we have to like all the same things or have the same interests or be the same person in male and female forms, thank goodness. We're able to be ourselves and do our own things and also be open-minded. So he goes country dancing with me and I play World of Warcraft with him :)

7. If we were to go on a road trip this spring/summer, where would you want to go?
I never did make it up to Maine/Vermont/Mass., I think that would be a fun trip if I can make it out there. Or something completely different would be fun too - A trip to the Southwest - Arizona/New Mexico/Nevada - would definitely be different. Thoughts? :)

I guess seven is a good place to stop. If you have any more questions you want us to answer, add them! I realize this is no replacement for a personal visit or conversation, but it's at least something we could each do on our own time to keep up communication :) I hope you're all doing well!

Love and hugs to each of you,


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, Megan! It is really good to know more about what you are up to these days, and I really enjoyed reading your questions and answers. I am not quite in a state to answer them myself, just now, but will definitely be getting back to this very soon. In the meantime, I will be picturing you at the photo place, doing crazy things and bribing small children to make them smile... excellent. :-)
