Sunday, February 7, 2010

snow shovels and cacti

1. What are a few significant events or milestones that have happened in your life since the last time we talked?
Hm. Well, I have become a certified massage therapist, joined a program in spiritual formation, and taken up tap dancing. (Kind of.) My, isn’t life full of surprises? :-) Another significant event, which hasn’t actually happened, but might (does this count??), is that of attending graduate school. I’ve applied to a program in special education for severe disabilities. I haven’t heard back yet, and am not certain that I will be going even if I get in… but it is a potential significant event, anyway!

2. If you could describe your life right now as an ice cream flavor, what would it be and why?
Peach, because just now I am eating a whole can of sliced peaches. (Not clever, but true.)

3. Read any good books lately?
I just finished “Sleeping with Bread,” a book about the examen, which was short and good, and am working on “The Discerning Heart,” which is quite good so far, as well. I’ve also been reading a lot by Henri Nouwen, who becomes more my favorite author all the time. On a very different note, I recently read Andrew Peterson’s “On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness,” and liked it very much, indeed. So much so that I now have the sequel (“North! Or Be Eaten”) sitting by my chair, all ready to go.

4. What is the most stressful thing in your life right now, and how are you dealing with it?
Broadly speaking, my job. Which, as it happens, and also broadly speaking, is also one of the most beautiful things in my life right now. Which is, broadly speaking, how I deal with it. You probably know (or maybe you don’t) that I had an accident a few months back in which one of the boys got burned, and I did, as well. He is well recovered, and I am healing nicely, but it was a pretty seriously traumatic experience, on a number of levels. Not long before that there was a fire in another house in which I was working alone with two guys. Recently there was a medication error (not by me, but by someone close to me) that resulted in a serious medical complication for one of the boys. There is just a lot of responsibility, and very little support, and it can be overwhelming at times. But, I have been there for just over two years now, and love those boys like they’re my family. They are my family. Except that they’re not. Hence the laws, regulations, stress, and complications.

5. Any recent noteworthy culinary adventures?
I cook dinner almost every night at work, and, considering the circumstances, it is mostly always an adventure -- but likely not in the way that you mean. :-) As for myself… well, I am currently cooking a sweet potato. Not incredibly inspiring, I admit. But probably my only personal culinary anything of the last two or three weeks!

6. What was the happiest moment of the past week?
Probably watching the snow fall. And tripping, falling, plunging, and rolling along in it after. Then shoveling out a bazillion cars with a few very dear people. And finally watching a glorious sunset out my window as I warmed my toes.

7. If we were to go on a road trip this spring/summer, where would you want to go?
I think the southwest sounds good to me, too. Snow is nice (see note above), but it is also cold. Plus I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for a cactus.

Grace and peace to you, friends. I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amy I would love to see you tap dance! Sounds so fun :) And I didn't know that you had been burned - was it really bad? What happened? I hope you're ok!
    A soft spot for a cactus just seems like asking for trouble :)
